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Day 14 Zummerzet

From Gloucester down to Bridgewater. Great progress made on a very quiet Sunday morning on the roads. Very few lorries which meant I could use the main roads and not faff about with the National Cycle Routes which are a complete pain, scenic but they end up putting extra miles on the journey. I guess they aren't meant for a man on a mission!

Anyway, down through the Forest of Dean stopping to check out the steam train...gotta love a steam train.

Over the old Severn Bridge crossing and back into England.

I knew I was in England because the first lay-by I went past was freshly occupied by fly-tippers rubbish!

Over the Avon bridge through Portishead and down into the flat lands of Somerset .

Then nature threw the curved ball with a nasty headwind for the last 20 miles. Can’t have it all I suppose!

Devon tomorrow - Cornwall Tuesday and fingers crossed Lands End Wednesday morning. Very very tired and thank you all for your continued donations.

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